This is important in life in general and even more important if you are on a healing journey.
People Can Make Us or Break Us
The people we spend our time with can make us or break us. Spending time with people that understand us, love us, nurture us, and support us is life-altering. Since almost losing my life, I now guard my life greatly, and I am very intentional about how I live it and who I allow in it.
Healing Starts On The Other Side Of Toxic Relationships
If we surround ourselves with toxic, unhealthy people, we remain unhealthy.
It is important that we are careful with who we spend our time with. This might sound harsh and may be hard depending on your circle, but during my healing journey, it was important for me to walk away from my biological family. They were toxic and unhealthy and were greatly hindering my healing.
By doing so, I gained a lot of freedom in my life. Freedom from the bondage that I didn’t realize I was allowing in my life. That freedom gave me the ability to have clarity and the desire to have good people in my life. I prayed that God would give me the courage to plant my feet and remove those that didn’t serve me and also that He would send people into my life to help nurture me and love me through that hard time; He did!
Our Life Is Our Choice
So often, we feel that we don’t have a choice, but we do. Sometimes the people closest to us can be the most toxic and when we choose to either set healthy boundaries or walk away (whether temporary or permanently) we create health and freedom in our lives.
The freedom and courage we gain from setting healthy boundaries or removing certain people from our lives will be life-changing! This transformational period in your life will open you up to healing, growth, renewal, and an ability to move forward in a strong and courageous way.
Who do you spend your time with?
PS God has led me back to my biological family so that I might be a light to them in the darkness. While it is not easy, I am walking out obedience to Christ while leaning on Him for strength, courage, the right words, and seeking Him to be sure I am doing His will. In taking this step, it was essential to put Boundaries in place to protect myself and my heart. (Something I was unfamiliar with my entire life. Not only was I unaware how to implement, I didn’t even know what they were. If this describes you, read the book Boundaries.)