Breathwork is a safe and gentle hour-long connected & guided breathing exercise that helps calm the mind and body to its natural state which then the body can begin to release old patterns, beliefs, traumas, toxins, or anything that’s keeping you stuck. We experience a lot in our lives and life is always changing, always moving, and so is our breath! The body can absorb all the stressors, past traumas, and burdens of life and, as a result, our bodies remain in bondage, often sick as a result, but it doesn't have to continue this way.
Just one session can really help gently empower you to move through your struggles, and start creating your life the way you deserve to live!
The increased levels of oxygen stimulate the body's natural ability to cleanse itself, opening the lymphatic system and just nurturing the body. When you figure, that we hold our breath 80% of the time, you can imagine the blessing it is to our body to receive so much additional oxygen.
It is a great form of self-care. Our world is moving at such a fast pace and, as a result, for most, it is unnatural to slow down. Often, people feel guilty for both slowing down and practicing self-care. Where actually self-care should be a priority because when we take the time to take care of ourselves, we can be our best selves for those that matter most!
No matter what you might be going through, Breathwork might be just what you’ve been praying for.
It is such an honor and blessing to have taken on the title of Breathworker to see the hand of God at work!
The Impact of Breathwork
Top 20 scientific benefits of Breathwork
- Reduces stress & anxiety
- Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation
- Helps manage pain
- Strengthens lungs
- Increases lung capacity
- Improves mood & self-esteem
- Boosts immune system
- Releases toxins
- Improves sleep
- Helps manage depression
- Increases muscle tone
- Helps heal from trauma and manage PTSD
- Improves digestion
- Helps to overcome addictions
- Improves Focus
- Increases Creativity
- Increase anti-inflammatory activity
- Alkalizes blood pH
- Provides you with a life skill that can literally save your life
- Enables you to find peace, joy, comfort, and happiness
World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Dean Ornish says in his book Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease that deep breathing is the best stress reducer known to man. It has been medically proven that stress has a direct impact on the immune system. When your stress level is up, your immune system is down: when your stress level is down, your immune system is up.
Dr. Alex Borsenko states, “Oxygen gets rid of toxicity. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are destroyed in the presence of oxygen–especially cancer.” Breathing controls the flow of the lymphatic system. We have four times more lymphatic fluid then blood. Lymphatic cells release toxins from the body.
Paul Bragg, author of Super Breathing for Super Energy and also the person who developed the first health food store in this country in the late 1930's says in his book that we are slowly committing suicide because of the way we live and breath(if only he could see our food and how we live today-a topic for another day 😉 !!). According to Bragg, shallow breathing starves the body of vital oxygen and causes premature aging. Bragg notes that oxygen-starved people go to bed tired and wake up tired. They suffer from headaches, constipation, indigestion, muscular aches and pains, stiff joints, aching backs, and the list goes on.
I think you get the picture! There is sooo much to gain from something as simple as the breath we breathe if used properly! I would love to work with you and show you the power of your own breath. It would be an honor and a blessing to help you. Schedule a private one-on-one session or Join me in one of my weekly group sessions.