Tammy Trayer and her family live 100% off-grid in north Idaho in what she calls her wilderness playground. She lives very traditionally, simply, and absolutely loves her life. Even more so, she loves nurturing, encouraging, inspiring, and supporting others to be the healthiest & happiest they can be as well as being prepared for whatever may come their way!
Tammy puts Jesus 1st and gives Him all the glory as an author, writer, radio host at Mountain Woman Radio & Faith Led Healing Podcast, educator at FaithLedLiving.com (previously TrayerWilderness.com) & FaithLedLearning.com (previously TrayerWildernessAcademy.com), a wife, a mother, an Integrative Health Practitioner, and certified Breathworker.
As an Integrative Health Practitioner, Tammy helps her clients to get to the root causes of their sometimes complex health struggles to help them rebalance their bodies and regain their health.
A Breathworker? Yes, thank you for asking.
Tammy has done quite a bit in her life, but by far, Breathwork & Integrative Health are some of the most rewarding! Breath, like many things in this life, is something we all take a bit for granted. It is just something we do naturally to exist, and most people probably don't even give it much thought until they are short of it! Am I right?!?!
God breathed life into us (Genesis 2:7) and provided us with something very wholesome and quite the amazing tool really, but the average person holds their breath 80% of the time robbing the body of its precious gift. Many also do not realize how powerful the breath is when used properly and gently.
Tammy guides private and group sessions teaching Breathing & Breathwork in a gentle and specific pattern which helps the mind, body, and spirit to release past trauma, to manage and often times overcome anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic illness, chronic pain, etc. As well as gain clarity, renewal, increased energy, circulation, stamina, and an ability to cope with much of what life brings our way. Breathwork also helps detox the body 70% more than any other way.
On the Faith Led Healing Podcast, Tammy Trayer shares her knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement. All while teaching you how to take your life and your health into your own hands helping you to find balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Join one of her weekly group sessions or book a private one-on-one session or private group session for businesses, organizations, groups, schools, etc. By visiting BreatheToHealing.com. You can also find Breathe To Healing on YouTube by simply going to FaithLedHealing.com/youtube or visit her on Instagram (FaithLedHealing.com/instagram).
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 56 Viewing Life Through Reliable Lenses
January 31, 2025: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, my son Austin joins me as my co-host and we talk about viewing life through reliable lenses. Be sure to listen in to this weeks Mountain Woman Radio for a glimpse of behind the scenes and a more...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 55 Keep Going
January 17, 2025: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I talk about how to Keep Going when you experience speed bumps, delays, or naysayers. Be sure to listen in to this weeks Mountain Woman Radio for a glimpse of behind the scenes and a more indepth...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 54 Allow Motivation To Move You Forward
January 10, 2025: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I talk about how Motivation Can Move Us Forward. Be sure to listen in to this weeks Mountain Woman Radio for a glimpse of behind the scenes and a more indepth look into my life:...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 53 Success
January 3, 2025: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I talk about Success and how to attain it. I started the year off speaking about Success because so many attempts to make New Year's resolutions. I feel that we don't need to wait for a new year to...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 52 2024 Recap & What's Ahead
December 20, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I recap 2024 with you and I share with you all that is ahead. Survey: https://faithledhealing.com/survey January Functional Medicine Detox: Https://faithledhealing.com/detox January Full Moon...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 51 An Update
December 13, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I share what has been going on in my life and hope to encourage and inspire you to always keep moving forward. 50% Discount in November:Use either coupon code OWNYOURHEALTHNOV24 or...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 50 Gratitude & Blessings
November 28, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, we discuss Gratitude & Blessings and finding peace through the holidays. 50% Discount in November: Use either coupon code OWNYOURHEALTHNOV24 or OWNYOURHEALTHNOV for Mini Breathwork MP3's at...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 49 Keeping Your Peace
November 22, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, we discuss Keeping Your Peace! It's the trick that will help you be amongst toxic and hurting people and no longer be affected by their disfunction, likely from their own trauma and hurts from...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 48 The UPS & DOWNS of LIFE
November 15, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, we discuss The UPS & DOWNS of LIFE and how to traverse them! It is all a process, though I have teaching you, guiding you, and my greatest hope is to help you get to the place where you can go...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 47 Checking In On You
November 8, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, I just spend time Checking In With YOU! 50% Discount in November: Use either coupon code OWNYOURHEALTHNOV24 or OWNYOURHEALTHNOV for Mini Breathwork MP3's at https://faithledhealing.com/shop...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 46 How To Tell The Truth From The Lies
November 1, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, we discuss How To Tell The Truth From The Lies. Remember, you are invited to join me for my quarterly functional medicine detox (link below). 50% Discount in November: Use either coupon code...
Faith Led Healing Podcast Episode 45 How To Handle Our Uncertain Times
October 25, 2024: In today's episode of the Faith Led Healing Podcast, we discuss How To Handle Our Uncertain Times. Remember, you are invited to join me for my quarterly functional medicine detox (link below). The Coop: https://faithledhealing.com/thecoop Functional...