Functional Medicine Nutrition Detox
Detoxify Your Body & Begin To Feel Like YOU Again!
Learn how toxicity affects the body, how to live cleaner, how to have a better relationship with food, and how to feel like yourself again!
Take your health and your life back into your own hands!
When you join me for a quarterly detox, you will receive your requested detox along with lifetime access to my detox mini e-Course and my Faith Led Healing Detox Community where you will have access to me during the detox period. You will also gain access to my free Faith Led Healing Community where we are encouraging, inspiring and sharing helpful tips throughout the week. Sign up below.

Tammy Trayer, IHP
Integrative Health Practitioner & certified Breathworker
Join Me NOW!
Orders are being taken now, you will gain access to the communities and mini e-course upon purchase, and the Functional Medicine Nutrition Detox will begin on Monday, January 6th!

Available in Vanilla or Chocolate and also available in 7, 14, or 21 days.
Our world is a crazy place these days. With many stressors, pollutants, toxins, and chemicals all around us, our bodies get overloaded. The toxins build up in the body, we start to experience things like brain fog, fatigue, hormone imbalances, skin irritations and rashes, weight gain, bloating, and more. This is why I utilize the EquiLife Functional Medicine Detox at Faith Led Healing, LLC with many of my clients in my practice. I personally use this detox every quarter. This is a full body Functional Medicine / Nutrition detox that can be implemented for 7, 14, or 21 days to gently, yet powerfully, eliminate harmful toxins within the body while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level. You will be amazed at the way your body transforms through this process.

Additional detox benefits:

Supports Live Detoxification
Provides Essential Nutritional Support
Helps With Weight Loss
Boosts Metabolism
Top 6 Ingredients:

Vitamins & Minerals
Key vitamins and minerals to support the body during detox

An antioxidant critical in liver detoxification

Antioxidant that enhances the liver's detoxification ability

Alpha Lipoic Acid
A universal antioxidant that improves detoxificaiton

A trifecta of ayurvedic herbs supporting detox and digestion

Milk Thistle
Herbal ingredient for liver health & detoxification
7 Day Functional Medicine / Nutrition Detox
14 Day Functional Medicine / Nutrition Detox
21 Day Functional Medicine / Nutrition Detox
If you are unable to participate at this time…
Sign up for the wait list!

Tammy Trayer, IHP
Integrative Health Practitioner & certified Breathworker