~ Laura – Minnesota
“Working with Tammy has been a blessing. God is using her boldly in wholesome living, learning & healing. I was attracted by her faith & God has blessed me with the skill of relaxing & calming the inflammation in my mind & body – through BreathWork. I am Soo looking forward to her new detox group, to further the healing in my body.”
~ Rob – New York
Tammy is an awesome practitioner who cares deeply for her clients' well-being and success. The 21-day detox is a bit challenging at first, but very worthwhile! It helped me lose 18 pounds in 21 days and dropped my blood pressure into normal range without any meds! Highly recommended!
~ Ken – Washington
Tammy is absolutely amazing. She calms the spirit and helps heal the body with breathwork and detox. I am fighting stage IV kidney cancer and her breath therapy has cleared my lungs and is helping my lymphatic system clean out cancer cells from the lymph system growths that have been shrinking or resolving completely. God pulled out all the stops with her and she won’t settle for anything less than total healing. She has also been researching alternative healing options that God is unfolding in front of us daily. Absolutely recommend at least a 30-minute meeting with her. She will only encourage you to step into your situation to take control. What a blessing!
~ Millie – Wyoming
Like everyone else, I'm busy! My busy life often means I'm pushing myself to go, go, go. When Tammy told me about how much breathing to heal helped her, I was…well, skeptical. I mean, I breathe. Right? Apparently not! Tammy took me through a Breathe to Healing session and I was amazed at the difference in my breath capacity from the start to finish. I was even more amazed at how energized I felt! And a stress knot in my shoulder, which bothers me most of the time, was completely gone. Even as I write this, more than 24 hours later, that knot has yet to return. I find myself being more aware of my breath today and remembering the cues Tammy gave me for breathing and relaxing. One of the things I loved best was Tammy's focus on God and giving Him the glory throughout. Her love for Christ shines through! Thank you, Tammy, for introducing me to this amazing gift of breath.
~ Anna – Vancouver Island
“I’ve been doing both group and private breath work sessions with Tammy for a couple months now and it’s amazing how much they have helped me to relax and be more present in my life. I’m currently pregnant with our 6th child but have unfortunately lost the last 4, so this pregnancy is pretty stressful, but having Tammy to coach me through my breathing has helped me to let go of that which I cannot control and just focus on my breath and that which I can control. I’m so grateful to have found Breathe To Healing and I believe that I stumbled on it at just the right time for just the right reason! Thank you Tammy <3”
~ Mil – Colorado
I deal with chronic pain on a daily basis. It is most difficult to relax or to be in one position for extended periods of time especially on my back because of arthritis, posture issues ect. By the end of my session I was able to reach a comfortable place that made my body feel relaxed and helped me become more conscious about how my breath plays a physical role in my everyday health. Most definitely helps to release built up tension in places you didn't even know were there. This is a process I will be incorporating into my daily health program. Thank you Tammy!
~ Tammy – Tennessee
I have been under incredible amounts of stress the last 7 months and I could not relax no matter how hard I tried. Everything just kept building up in my life and there was no end in sight and no way for me to stop and rest. Tammy told be about Breathe to Healing and I decided to take a chance and see if it could help. I have done one session and it was incredible. Tammy has such a welcoming style and she makes sure you are totally at ease. She is caring and compassionate and it shows as she guides you through the session. For the first time in a long time I was able to relax and remain relaxed. I was able to just breathe. Relaxing with the deep intentional breathing allowed my body to stop for an hour and start to recuperate. I highly recommend Breathe to Healing with Tammy – you will be refreshed and renewed. Thank you Tammy!
~ Laura – Minnesota
Tammy introduced me to Breathe Work. At first, I was a little skeptical, like normal. But nothing else seems to help my chronic illnesses & multiple autoimmune issues, so why not. After my first group session with Tammy, I went thru some huge toxic releases. Just like the toxic release I had experienced with months of Gerson's Therapy. Who would have thought breathing could cause so much healing… Don't I breath all the time? Well, Yes. But not this deep intentional relaxed breathing for 60-90 minuets. Even with my CPAP at night I don't receive this kind of benefit. This week I had my first personal session with Tammy. And WOW!!! Just WOW! I slept in late the next morning, that was nice. I had more endurance thru out the day. And I just felt…. Happier, like there wasn't quite as much weight on my shoulders. I broke out singing along with the music in the stores while running errands. By the end of the day I was tired, but nothing like I'm used to dealing with, but a good kind of tired. Normally a day of errands wipes me out for a few days (one of those chronic illnesses is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) But I woke up feeling OK. As I moved on into the rest of the day, I didn't have the exhaustion & pain I was expecting. That is HUGE, I haven't been able to bounce back like this in years. And I have been having dreams & memories from my past, pop into my head. Maybe some of my health issues surround these forgotten moments. I have a feeling they may lead me to some issues I need to let go of or deal with. Tammy has such a natural talent for this therapy. She seems to enhance the therapy with her true caring & loving attitude, it comes thru in her voice and mannerisms effortlessly. I am excited to see what other healing surprises my body has in store for me. And with Tammy's help I am sure to finally get my health back on track. I feel like a new chapter in my life is being created. A healthy, wholesome God filled chapter with more blessings than I have ever dreamed of. Thank you Tammy 💞🌹🙏
~ Angie – Tennessee
I finally had the opportunity to attend a Breathwork session. I wasn’t sure if I could sit still for an hour but was ready to try! Not only was it a very pleasant experience to just relax and deep breath, my results were astonishing! As the session was nearing the end, I was thinking how my neck and shoulders felt “normal” and not tight like they usually do, as I have chronic neck/shoulder spasms. I sat there for a few moments to assess the situation and realized other benefits, as well. I have some neuropathy in my feet and they usually are very hot and feel “big”…my feet were also almost back to “normal”. I decided this was something to delve a little deeper into and because the breathwork is so simple to incorporate into life, I continued to apply the techniques throughout my days. To my amazement, my body responded with more positives! My legs, which also cramp and spasm, were totally relaxed. So much so that I can now walk up and down stairs “normally”, as opposed to taking one stair at a time. My husband and I went to play disc golf with some friends and hiking the course was so much easier (except for my shoes!). But wait! There’s more! For about 2 years, my left shoulder had been frozen and I could not lift it up over my head…I can now! And here’s a bonus: Because I have mobility back and have been able to get out and move again…I’ve lost 5 lbs! Our God is an Awesome God! His breathe HEALS! HIS WORD HEALS! Please, don’t wait like I did…give this a try ASAP! Thank you, Tammy! May God continue to BLESS you and yours, in the Mighty name of Jesus!
~ Craig – Atlanta, GA
“I recently participated in a remote “Breathe to Healing” session with Tammy Trayer and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
I live in a high stress situation every day, so the opportunity to partake in a calming experience was something that appealed to me. In addition to the stress, I have physical ailments from a life of athletic activity and her soothing voice taking me through each step was very effective in bringing me to a restful state. In this first session, I was pleased in the reduction of pain overall. In a short amount of time, Tammy was able to get me into a completely new mindset. At one point I said, “I’m so relaxed I feel like I could fall through the mattress.” As the session ended,I remarked that I wished it were later in the day because I could have gone to bed and fallen asleep within seconds.
Tammy has excellent control of the process and uses it to maximize the experience in a short amount of time to benefit her clients. I will be using this method again and again. Experience it, you won’t be disappointed.”
~ Robin – Maryland
I’d had a history of meditation, breath work, thought maybe help. Well it has helped so much while recovering a bunch of issues. It reduces stress, heart rate, deepens breath, resets parasympathetic system according to tech gadgets that give me baseline. I truly recommend.
~ Annette
I have difficulty meditating; clearing my mind, staying focused on my breath, repeating a mantra…so I wasn't sure I would reap any benefit from Tammy's session yesterday. Boy, was I wrong! Pleasantly surprised. My sinuses opened up. The headache I felt coming on dissipated and it was easier for me than past experiences with meditation. Focused breathing is truly healing.
~ Sandy – Florida
Tammy’s breathwork has been life-changing to me. When she reached out to me via email with an invite to a session, I had never heard of it before. I had instant relief from chronic neck and body pain and anxiety. My brain fog started lifting, along with many more symptoms I was dealing with. It’s been one of the top natural healing tools that I’ve experienced on my 14-year healing journey. Tammy is a godsend. I have been truly blessed by her compassion and kind loving nature. I’ll be forever grateful!
~ Michelle – Michigan
I'll be honest, I was skeptical. It took Tammy over a year to get me to try it. To be fair, that entire year was the busiest I've ever been on all accounts. She finally got me to try it after the new year. I found it incredibly relaxing and on those nights that I am struggling to shut my brain off and fall asleep I'll implement the technique. The first time I did that I fell asleep immediately. To me that's definitely worth continuing with the sessions. Being able to sleep or just relax as well as I do during the sessions gives me a level of energy that I need with my busy life.
~ Craig & Dianna
We have had several sessions with Tammy. She is very professional and at the same time very personable. We even scheduled one so that it ended at 11pm our time because we knew we'd be so relaxed at the end of it! That worked very well. During our sessions Tammy's voice and instructions are calming and soothing. Nothing “new-agey” about the process. God breathed life into mankind in the garden, and He gave us breath at our birth. Tammy helped us to take the time to breathe and give our bodies what they need. We are grateful for her and look forward to the next session we can have with her.
~ Vicki – Florida
The Breathwork session was just incredibly relaxing for me. With autoimmune issues, I need calming therapy such as this. The energy I had after the session was absolutely noticeable… even to my family!
~ Christine – Canada
Let’s say since I got chronically ill I’m more skeptical. There’s so much information out there, who do you trust and where do you begin. I had a friend tell me about Tammy and how she was gonna try this online breathing class. She informed me that she would teach us the right way to breath. Right way I thought, I was intrigued but still skeptical. I honest was running late and struggled getting on zoom but my care giver was more technology savvy then me and got me on and held my phone for the duration of the whole class. Tammy’s voice is so soothing and calming. I felt so at peace. She puts you right at ease and has private and group chat available for questions. I would highly recommend learning to breath properly to heal emotions , mentally and I’m hoping physically. Thanks, Tammy, you're on to something. The one online class sold me that I need this in my life. It does work.
~ Toyka – Washington
I was a bit reluctant to join the group breath work that Tammy had offered our Bible study group. My husband had taken breathwork classes in his education becoming a Licensed Massage Practitioner. I recall him saying it was “out there” and what we jokingly called “eewy eewy”. However, I have been on a healing journey since Jan. and thought I would give it a try. Heck, I could always stop if it was more than I was comfortable. My experience working with Tammy the first and second time has been that she is very nurturing and focuses on the healing ability of God during the sessions. This is exactly what I needed in able to relax and let the process work in my body. I have had a time of revelation regarding my health and have been working through that issue. I have to say that I always “thought” I was a good breather…let’s just say I have more work to do. I recommend you give breathwork and Tammy a try to get more in tune with your body.