Tammy Trayer, IHP

Integrative Health Practitioner & certified Breathworker

Join The Faith Led Healing Mold Cleanse Waitlist

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Mold Cleanse Coming Soon!

Sign Up For The Waiting List…


My mission here at Faith Led Healing, LLC is to help people take their life and their health into their own hands so they can live their best life ever!

That will look different for each of my clients in my practice.

I specialze in helping people to rebalance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically as well as resolving complex health issues that aren't getting resolved.

First and foremost, I help and teach people how to destress and detoxify from this crazy world that we live in!

Prolonged exposure to black mold can cause ill health and for many can be debilitating. 

Mycotoxins can cause a barrage of symptoms in the body.


Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

* sluggishness and total exhaustion

* major brain fog, memory loss  – unable to remember things just spoken, struggle to hold conversation

* allergic rhinitis – sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, cough and postnasal drip, itchy eyes, nose, and throat, watery eyes, dry, scaly skin.

* body aches and pains

* changes in mood – anxiety, depression, panic attacks

* headaches

* nosebleeds

* shortness of breath

* coughing (lasting weeks or months)

* progressive weight loss or weight gain

* greater struggles occur for those with the MTHFR mutation because their body does not detoxify heavy metals, mold, toxins, and histamine without aid.

 If you don't wish to wait for my group Mold Cleanse later this year, you can schedule a free 30 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for one another so we can put a plan in place!  If you know we are already a good fit, go ahead and get on my calendar.  Be sure to look for my packages as they are more cost effective and will give us ample time to really get your body back on track.



Join The Faith Led Healing Mold Cleanse Waitlist

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